Archive | January, 2015

Of course privatised Hinchingbrooke Hospital failed. It’s run by bankers.

10 Jan

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

Privatised NHS hospital Hinchingbrooke in Cambridgeshire has failed.

Hinchingbrooke’s private owners – Circle Holdiings – are running away from a 10-year contract after they ran the hospital into the ground so badly that inspectors said patients are being treated in an “undignified” and even “abusive manner”.

Circle Holdings was set up by a former Goldman Sach’s banker and is 95% owned by hedge fund investors and other bankers.

These bankers decided to put a CEO in charge of Hinchingbrooke whose previous job had been as “supply chain director” at Argos.

Why are we surprised that bankers and hedge fund investors have been found to be treating people in an “undignified” and “abusive manner”?

Bankers are unable to run their own banks competently, never mind hospitals.

So why – just a few years after bankers managed to crash the entire world’s economy with their incompetence and greed – is the government handing over our health care and…

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